ATA Chapters must be dedicated to

  • Provide a forum for translators and interpreters in a specific geographic area
  • Organize meetings to further information exchange and cooperation
  • Provide information and services needed at the local level
  • Facilitate communication between ATA and local members to strengthen the sense of community
  • Advocate for their members and promote the policies, standards, and objectives of ATA

Requirements for Becoming an ATA Chapter

  • Must have no fewer than twenty voting members of ATA (see establishment below) 
  • Must have a president and vice president who are voting members of ATA (see membership below)
  • Must have bylaws that do not conflict with ATA's bylaws (see bylaws below) 
  • Must petition the ATA Board of Directors requesting chapter status (see establishment below)


  • Petition for the establishment of a chapter must be signed by twenty or more voting members of ATA who:
    • reside or work in the designated geographical area and
    • will signify their intention to remain members of ATA.
  • The petition must include a copy of the bylaws of the proposed chapter.
  • Petitions are submitted to the ATA Board of Directors, which, in its discretion, shall determine whether the chapter may be established.


  • Membership in ATA is not required for membership in the chapter.
  • President and vice president of the chapter must be voting members of ATA.
  • Other elected officials do not need to be members of ATA.


  • Nothing shall prevent a chapter from establishing additional objectives and requirements for membership, as long as qualifications are not based on race, creed, sex, political belief, or national origin and are not contrary to stated policies and objectives of ATA.
  • Any amendments to the chapter's bylaws must be submitted to and approved by ATA.
  • All chapters must comply with ATA’s bylaws and policies established by the Board.


  • Every chapter is required to submit an annual report of its activities along with a financial statement, a roster of its members, and a copy of the current bylaws to ATA.

Chapter and Affiliate Handbook

Use this handbook to find answers to the many questions you may have about how to manage local chapters.

Benefits and Privileges for Being an ATA Chapter

Chapter Rebate

ATA will tabulate the number of members who have checked the rebate box for their chapter on their renewal form from the previous year, calculate the amount of their dues, and issue the chapter a check for 10% of the total.

Event Materials

ATA can provide you with copies of back issues of The ATA Chronicle and other publications for your events.

Calendar of Events

ATA can list upcoming chapter events on their online calendar, including a link to relevant event information.

Seed Money

As a service to all ATA members and as a benefit of being a chapter, ATA supports educational efforts by subsidizing events that might otherwise prove to be a financial burden for individual chapters. Up to $500 may be awarded to each chapter as often as once every two years.

Event Certificate of Liability Insurance

ATA can provide an insurance certificate, which is often required by universities or other sites that host chapter conference or membership meetings.

Ready to Get Started?

Contact the ATA Director of Membership, Chapter Relations and Divisions.