
  • Translation is written and interpreting is spoken: they’re two different 技能. 用课堂上的一些基本练习来证明两者的区别(见下文).
  • 会两种语言并不足以让你成为一名笔译或口译员:你需要额外的培训. Briefly discuss educational requirements and helpful life experiences. Emphasize the need for excellent 英语 vocabulary, grammar and writing in addition to foreign language 技能.
  • Translation is more than word-substitution. 给出翻译错误或直译的具体例子,并鼓励学生改进.
  • 机器翻译不会在短期内取代人工翻译。请提供Babelfish或其他机器翻译来源的具体例子.



Begin by introducing yourself and identifying the languages you use. As you talk about your work, use anecdotes from your own experience.


  • Describe how you became interested in languages and how you entered the profession. 以此为跳板,提到你的工作所需的才能和性格特征(良好的记忆力), 好的词汇, 热爱语言, 良好的写作能力, 等.).
  • Sk等h out your working conditions and tell the students what a typical day is like. If they’re likely to recognize any of your clients or projects, be sure to mention them. Many students are fascinated by the travel and prestige events involved in interpreting.


让孩子们尽快参与进来:问问题并鼓励他们也这样做. 询问他们接触其他语言的情况可以打破僵局,同时让你对听众有更好的感觉.


  • Who can point out the countries where my languages are spoken on the map?
  • 谁在家说另一种语言?
  • 什么语言?
  • Can you point out the country or countries where it is spoken on the map?
  • Who knows someone who speaks a不her language?
  • Who has learned a不her language in school?
  • What do you call someone who speaks two languages very well (bilingual)?
  • 你在什么地方使用过另一种语言.g.、旅行、娱乐、和祖父母聊天)?
  • Where have you seen a translator/interpreter?


Give specific, hands-on examples and use props and audiovisuals whenever you can.

  • 展示或分发一些翻译样本,最好是孩子们可能熟悉的东西. Tell them their names in a foreign language; show them bilingual labels on the packaging for international foods; or show them photographs of signs in foreign countries.
  • 利用这个机会讨论一下您所使用的技术的“绝妙”方面. 讨论网络研究, 在线词典, 搜索引擎, 听写软件, 机器辅助翻译. If the classroom has the appropriate facilities, you can do some of this live; otherwise, 使用幻灯片.
  • 使用地图. 大多数教室都有世界地图, 但是最好问问老师教室里有没有地图可以用. If you’re focusing on a particular country, you may want to bring your own map. Better yet, bring photocopies of the map for the students to keep.
  • 把照片, 明信片, 工艺品, or other objects in an album or a protective cover and pass it around the classroom. 孩子们可以触摸的工艺品是一个很好的主意:一个六年级的班级喜欢看到和触摸一件来自秘鲁的手工编织雨披.
  • Reinforce the message: write key points on the board as you go. 最后, 打个招呼, 简单有趣的多项选择“突击测验”,可以强化你的要点(参见上面的“该说什么”)。. A sample question might be “Which of the following countries is 不 说西班牙语? a) Mexico; b) Venezuela; c) Uruguay; or d) Mesopotamia.“让学生交换论文,然后改正它们,并与全班一起复习问题.


Use audiovisuals and/or a game format to keep your presentation lively and interesting.

  • 在原文和目标文本中引入适合年龄的翻译材料,以说明翻译的重要性. One of the Harry Potter books in two or more languages would almost certainly be a hit. 或者带上适合他们年龄的配音和/或字幕电影,让学生看到和听到源版本和目标版本之间的差异.
  • Impress them with a brief interpreting demonstration. One mother does live interpreting demos with her sons in their school. 假装她只会说法语, 她向全班演讲, and one of her sons interprets what she’s said to his classmates. If the kids have questions on interpreting and translating, they can also be interpreted back to her in 法国.
  • 玩文字侦探. Present the students with literal translations of foreign turns of phrase, similes or proverbs that have well-known 英语 equivalents (e.g., “先来, 先得,“我病得很厉害。,“早起的鸟儿有虫吃”),并要求他们拿出更好的翻译. If the class has some knowledge of your languages, 你可以使用实际的外国短语,并从字面翻译成习惯用语.
  • 使用有趣的翻译漏洞. Humorous examples of machine translation are a不her good option. Signs and bizarre menu items also work well, but be careful to avoid any suggestion that foreigners are dumb or “can’t talk right.一旦笑声平息, challenge the kids to come up with an idiomatic translation into 英语. 要强调的一点是,一个合格的专业翻译员或口译员可以通过培训和他或她的语言和学科领域的优秀知识来避免这种错误. 这是讨论教育要求和机器翻译限制的一个很好的起点.
  • 举例说明翻译歧义术语的困难,给学生一个词,如“draft”,并挑战他们定义或翻译它的所有含义(NFL draft), 银行汇票, 军事草案, 草稿, 芽Lite, 从窗户通风). 给出(或要求学生提供)这个术语的每个含义的翻译,并指出 you can’t possibly translate it accurately until you 了解它在上下文中的意思.
  • 尝试联合国挑战:让学生说出联合国的六种官方语言(阿拉伯语), 中国人, 英语, 法国, 俄罗斯, and Spanish) and give a prize to the student who names the sixth one. It’s also useful to point out that UN linguists don’t simply work into and out of 英语; they also need people who can work from 中国人 to Spanish, 法语转俄语, 阿拉伯语转汉语, 等等.......
  • 对正确答案给予奖励. Try novelty school supplies (a 不epad in the shape of a globe; a pen that lights up), 贴纸, buttons or bumper 贴纸 in a foreign language, 巧克力, 或糖果.


留下一些有形的东西会放大你的访问效果,最终为你在演讲中投入的时间和精力带来更好的回报. 给孩子纪念品或零食, 给老师一份资源讲义,上面有更多关于翻译和口译职业的信息. 即使是关于你的工作的传单或雇主的小册子,学生们也可以保留,这将有助于他们记住你和你的演讲.


Statistics on the size and growth of the translating and interpreting professions.


Spend some time with the teacher before or after your presentation.
这可以是关于这个关卡的资源讲义的五分钟聊天,也可以是一杯咖啡或一次午餐约会. 一位经验丰富的演讲者报告说,老师们非常渴望从她身上学到更多,她发现与他们的接触非常有益.

Cultivate a relationship with your local school.
让你孩子的老师(或最近的学校)知道你的职业,并在学校的职业导向活动中提供与外语相关的主题演讲. 一位家长每个月去女儿的教室两次,每次15分钟,教她小时候学过的一些语言.

Help organize an “International Night” at your child’s school.
Begin with a “parade of nations” with the kids carrying flags of various countries. Afterwards parents and students can share artifacts, information, food, dance, 等. from their countries of origin or interest.


ATA has assembled a sample slideshow that you can download and adapt.


These sample presentations, tips, and exercises that can be adapted for your needs. 如果你使用了这些材料, please be sure to acknowledge the author’s contribution appropriately.

用麦当劳来解释代理, 直接的客户, and in-house; cites translation mistakes with disasterous results; includes Google Translate examples.
请感谢:Molly Yurick

Good comparison between translation and interpreting; covers job descriptions, 技能, 以及如何为职业生涯做准备. Focused on German but easily adapted to other languages.
请感谢:Sarah Allen

Slides providing outline for presentation to middle school students.

以职业为中心,包括引用在工作中使用双语技能的人的话. 演讲者笔记. 主要针对七年级学生.

Based on 俄罗斯 language; highlights mistranslations.
请感谢:Jennifer Guernsey

Ways students can prepare for learning a foreign language.
请感谢:Dana Scruggs

请感谢:Rosario Welle


一份西班牙语和英语的911基本信息表,可以用作简短的口译练习. 包括演讲技巧.
请感谢:John Shaklee
