ATA每年选举三名董事(任期三年). In odd-numbered years, elections are held for the positions of President-Elect, 秘书, 和财务主管. The elections procedure, from the Nominating Committee to the campaign to the voting, 详情请看这里.

1. 提名

A. 基金会

提名和领导力发展委员会(NLDC)应根据第七条任命, 第二节.d. 的章程.

B. 提名 to the 董事会

每年, ATA选举三名董事(任期三年)和, in odd-numbered years, for the positions of President-elect (for a two-year term), 秘书 (for a two-year term), 和财务主管 (for a two-year term). 国家选举委员会应确定并提名该年度空缺的每个选举职位的候选人. 委员会应为每一干事职位(当选总统)提出至少两名候选人, 秘书, 和财务主管) and at least two candidates for each Director position.


全国民主委员会应努力提出一个平衡的名单,以代表全体成员. In establishing the slate, the NLDC may not reject a nominee solely based on age, 性, 比赛, 宗教, 种族, 国家的起源, 性别认同, 性ual orientation, 工作或其他语言或其他因素不直接影响候选人固有的领导能力或有效代表会员的能力.

The NLDC shall impress upon candidates the obligations of Board service, such as time commitments, 受托责任, and adherence to ATA policy.

C. 提名 Calendar

提名征集将于每年2月通过美国航空协会纪事报和其他美国航空协会媒体发布. 它应包括关于成为候选人的不同方式的信息.

ATA members may propose themselves to the NLDC as potential candidates, be proposed by other members, or be approached by the NLDC.


提名 shall typically close on March 1. Within 60 days of the close date, the NLDC shall present the names of the candidates proposed, together with their written acceptances, to ATA Headquarters, to be forwarded to the ATA 董事会.

The NLDC shall verify, and Headquarters shall confirm, 在提议的名单提交理事会之前,每个候选人的活跃成员身份. 理事会应指示总部将NLDC接受或不接受候选人的候选资格通知候选人,并将NLDC向会员推荐的名单公布在《永利最新网址》(ATA编年史) 6月刊、美国航空运输协会网站和其他航空运输协会媒体上.

D. Candidates by Petition

Once the slate has been published, 任何职位的申请都可以按照ATA章程中列出的申请程序提交, 第七条, 第二节.d.3.


总部应将经请愿获得通过的候选人名单送交理事会. 这些经请愿的候选人成为候选人名单的一部分,并应作为候选人获得平等待遇.

2. 运动

A. 竞选活动

It is the policy of the Association that campaigns should be open, 有尊严的, 积极的, and focused on the issues and on the qualifications of the candidates. 候选人和所有议员都应避免人身攻击. Candidates shall not accept campaign contributions, nor shall they personally incur more than nominal
expenses for campaigning.

B. 代言

Regardless of the venue, context or audience, 然而,协会领导的意见和评论可能被认为更有分量. 像这样, 所有经选举产生的官员和指定的协会代表(官员), 董事会成员, 委员会主席, division 管理员, 助理
管理员, leadership council members, members of the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee, 其发言人及其雇员应在选举中保持中立. 他们应避免公开支持或表示偏爱任何候选人, either explicitly or
implicitly, at any time. Chapters of ATA are encouraged to refrain from making endorsements.

C. Equal Space Policy

ATA出版物或发布候选人信息的平台应当为所有候选人提供平等的空间. 《永利登录网址》将为每位候选人提供足够的照片和500字的陈述,说明他们的资格和职位目标,并回答与所寻求的职位相关的问题. Headquarters will provide the relevant deadlines. Additional space may also be made available on electronic media. 不得利用协会或其部门的任何资源,将任何个人候选人推向其他位置
另一个. Chapters of ATA are encouraged to observe this equal space policy.

3. 选举

A. 代理

有投票权的成员可以通过电子方式提供指示,授权有限的(指示的)代理人, 如果可用, 发给代理持有人, subject to provisions of New York State law and the ATA 规章制度. 根据《永利最新网址》的规定,可由指定人员在有表决权的股东年会上清点代理人并正式投票
规章制度. Candidates for office may not be designated as a proxy holder.

B. 选票

Candidates’ names shall be randomized on ballots and proxies. When both regular and unexpired positions are to be filled, 这些职位的所有候选人应列在一张选票上. 在这种情况下, and in accordance with Article XI Section 9 (Voting) of the ATA Bylaws, 较长的任期应按得票较多的顺序分配给获得多数票的国家. If there is a tie for any position, including for Officer positions, 该问题应由董事会在下次会议上决定.

C. Candidate Withdrawals

如果候选人在代理投票开始前超过4周撤回提名, 全国民主选举委员会应重新选聘候选人,并将新候选人列入选票.

如果候选人在代理投票开始前不到4周撤回提名, 退出的候选人应保留在代理投票和打印选票上, but any votes cast for the withdrawing candidate will be void.

If a candidate withdraws their nomination after proxy voting has begun, and there is no other candidate nominated for the position, 该职位应视为空缺,并根据协会章程予以填补.

D. End-of-选举-Cycle Actions

At the conclusion of each election, 国家和解委员会应将其讨论和行动的所有记录和档案转交总部. 主席应与执行主任联系,协调此项转移.


Approved by the ATA 董事会,  July 27, 2024.

This policy is scheduled to be reviewed in 2027.

ATA Board 选举 Policy (PDF)
